Broken Heart

The No-Yelling Playbook for Parents

From nationally-recognized parenting coach Amy McCready

Are you tired of...
  Having to repeat and remind, and repeat and remind — until you explode?
  Feeling so guilty after raising your voice, just to be heard?
  Facing battles and endless power struggles over everything?
Let's fix that!
It's time to try new solutions – that work with NO yelling, nagging, or reminding!


As a former 'Yelling Mom' I know exactly what it feels like to feel like you've tried everything from rewards charts, to time-outs, to bribes... and always end up yelling just to be heard.

One night I had a big tipping point. I had just finished the ‘go to bed’ MARATHON and was finally tucking myself in to sleep and felt a sore throat coming on. After a moment worrying I was getting sick, I realized it wasn’t a cold… it was because I had been raising my voice so much.

I was becoming the parent I never dreamed I would become: the Big Ugly Yelling Mom. I was failing at my most important job.

That’s when I committed to finding a better way. Since then I’ve spent years creating and PERFECTING my own parenting TOOLKIT which has helped thousands of parents all over the world regain control over their homes. Whether you have toddlers , teens, or in-betweens, I can help you become the parent you want to be. 
Amy McCready on the Today Show
Amy has been a TODAY Show contributor for 13 years.

WHAt YOu Don't Know…

The 7-Step Parenting Success System isn't just tools, it's essential knowledge rooted in proven psychology that applies to all kids. 

What's really behind all the backtalk, battles, and tantrums? 

Watch this short video to learn the TOP 3 REASONS for misbehavior.  

The Secret to Better Behavior

Would it surprise you to learn that in just 10 minutes a day, you can avert the vast majority of behavior struggles in your home? It’s truly amazing, which is why we teach it right in Step 1 of the program. The short version is that you’ll learn a simple 10-minute exercise that will completely eliminate the vast majority of the “bad behavior” you’re experiencing right now. It takes about an hour to learn the magic formula — but once you understand it, everything gets easier. The best part: it takes just ten minutes a day to put it into practice with your kids. It’s a total game-changer for families, and most parents see results from the very first day.

Parent Personality Assessment

You might be surprised to learn that your own personality can actually invite certain misbehaviors and power struggles from your kids. Also, the way you respond in the moment can either escalate or diffuse a power struggle almost immediately. That's why you'll take the Parent Personality Assessment in Step 1. And once you understand how 50% of the behavior struggle is something you can control, you'll realize how simple it can be to put an end to those attitude battles once and for all. And if you have a parenting partner, you can both take the assessment because you're in this together!

No-Yelling Consequences

You'll learn why the punishments you're doling out aren't working — and what you can do instead. You'll learn how to use consequences the right way — when they're appropriate, and without turning yourself into the bad guy. Whether you have toddlers or teenagers, our simple 5-step process will teach your kids accountability and personal responsibility — with no nagging, reminding or yelling from you! 

These are just a few of the 37 tools included in the full program.
Ready to get started?

What You Get…

My playbook for parents includes solutions and knowledge for every parenting problem...
  49 on-demand video lessons to transform your parenting
  30+ specialty masterclasses with experts
  Weekly live Q&A sessions with Amy
  On-the-go access with our mobile app
  BONUS: Parenting personality assessment tool
  37 tools for every common parenting challenge
  Peer support community, moderated by our experts
  Guided learning plans to fit your schedule
  Weekly tips for success
  No commitment, cancel any time